Saturday, July 18, 2009

I am a blog neglector!

So, I guess this has been a busy summer!  I have definitely neglected my blog responsibilities, but I'm not thinking too many people (if any) read this, so I think it will be o.k., but for my own references I'm going to try to do better!

All is well with us, just as I said earlier, just really busy, but busy is good!!  We are continuing to go to the Lake any and every opportunity comes about!! Brett and I were looking at the calender the other day and reazlized we don't even have an 'open' weekend before football season starts the first weekend in September-- but this is fine with me!  Some good friends of ours are getting married next month in Tuscaloosa so we have all of their wedding festivities beginning now, along with some of our own starting to pop up!  It's so much fun to get to do all of these things with close friends.  Having busy weekends is fun too give something to look forward to, as well as keep the time passing till December ;)

Wedding plans are going smoothly, 5 months to go, and I still just can't wait!!

That's about all I have now.. Here are some pics of our life recently!